week 15 conversations

this week i interviewed an awesome person who happened to be a film major. Her name is Yesenia Chavez and loves making videos on her own time. She is a first year at CSULB and commutes from Downy. She went to Warren High school. She is really passionate about film and believes it is one of the best ways to express a thought.  her page is awesome and contains some of her film projects. I asked her more about why she decided to choose film and she said that she really got into it in high school. at her high school they did like morning announcements over the tvs on campus.  or at least i think that’s the way she described it.  and she got involved with the recording and editing.  she seemed to really liked it so now she would like to study film.  since its her first year it too early to say what she exactly wants to do but I wish her the best of luck here at the university.

check out her page ! http://yeseniachavez.com
check out her page !

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